Establishing a Company in Cyprus

Comprehensive Guide to Setting Up a Company and Relocating to Cyprus

Cyprus offers an exceptional environment for setting up a company and making the most of its favorable tax system, beautiful properties, and strategic location. If you're considering purchasing or renting a property in Limassol or Paphos, we provide comprehensive support throughout the process, including assisting you with company formation. Our services are tailored to ensure that your relocation and business setup in Cyprus are seamless and efficient.

Why Cyprus for Company Formation?

Cyprus has emerged as one of the most attractive jurisdictions in Europe for forming a limited liability company, thanks to its advantageous tax system, strategic location, and compliance with international standards. As a full member of the EU since May 1, 2004, Cyprus offers a corporate tax rate of just 12.5%, one of the lowest in Europe, making it an ideal destination for businesses looking to minimize their tax burden.

Additionally, Cyprus provides significant benefits for holding assets in Europe, similar to those offered by traditional offshore jurisdictions. These benefits include full exemption from tax on dividend income, no withholding tax on dividends paid to non-residents, and no capital gains tax. Moreover, Cyprus's tax system fully complies with EU and OECD requirements, ensuring that your business operations are both advantageous and risk-free.

Our Services for Cyprus Company Formation

We have extensive experience in forming companies in Cyprus for our clients, offering a complete package that includes all the necessary documentation to establish your business and open a bank account. Our services are designed to meet your specific needs, providing full confidentiality, multilingual support, and competitive pricing. Our team of experts is ready to assist you from day one, ensuring that your company formation and relocation are handled with the utmost professionalism.

Advantages of Forming a Company in Cyprus

  • Low Corporate Tax Rate: Cyprus offers a corporate tax rate of just 12.5%, one of the lowest in Europe, making it highly attractive for businesses seeking to minimize their tax liabilities.
  • Double Tax Treaties: Cyprus has an extensive network of Double Tax Treaties with many countries, ensuring that your business can benefit from reduced tax rates on income such as dividends, royalties, and interest.
  • No Withholding Taxes: Dividends, interest, and royalties paid to non-resident shareholders are not subject to any withholding taxes, making Cyprus an ideal location for holding companies.
  • Capital Gains Exemption: Cyprus does not impose capital gains tax on profits made from the disposal of assets, except for immovable property situated in Cyprus.
  • Anonymity and Confidentiality: If required, the beneficial owner of a Cyprus company can remain anonymous by appointing nominee shareholders or directors.
  • Flexible Business Operations: Employees from EU member states do not require work permits, and non-EU employees can obtain work permits easily. There are also no exchange control restrictions on companies and their employees in relation to opening and operating bank accounts.

Characteristics of a Cyprus Company

A Cyprus company is a separate legal entity that can sue or be sued in its own name. It typically takes the form of a private limited liability company by shares. The registered address of the company must be in Cyprus, and the company can have between one and fifty shareholders, who may be either Cypriot or foreign individuals or legal entities. There is no minimum authorized share capital, but it is common to have an initial share capital of €1,000, with a minimum issued share capital of one share of €1.

The company must have at least one director and one secretary, and it is taxed at 10% of its profits if management and control are exercised within Cyprus. Companies managed from Cyprus can take advantage of the Double Tax Treaty Network available in the country.

Comprehensive Support for Property and Business Setup

When you purchase or rent a property through us in Limassol or Paphos, we offer more than just a place to live or work. We provide full support for your relocation, including assistance with all procedures related to setting up a company in Cyprus. Our services include:

  • Company Formation: We handle all aspects of company formation, from registering your business to setting up bank accounts and ensuring compliance with local regulations.
  • Legal and Financial Advisory: We collaborate with prestigious law firms to provide a variety of professional services, including audit services, to ensure your business meets all legal and financial requirements.
  • Property Management and Landscaping: In addition to business support, we offer property management services, including garden design, landscaping, and maintenance, ensuring that your new property is as welcoming and functional as possible.

Why Choose Us?

With years of experience in the Cypriot real estate and business markets, we are well-equipped to guide you through every step of your relocation and company formation. Our team of experts is committed to providing personalized services that meet your specific needs, whether you're looking to establish a holding company, purchase luxury properties in Limassol or Paphos, or simply enjoy the benefits of living in Cyprus.

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