Why Live, Work and Invest in Luxury Real Estate, Cyprus

Why to Live, Work and Invest in Luxury Real Estate Cyprus - Buy Cyprus Property: Living & Investing

Cyprus is strategically located in the Eastern Mediterranean region which has played a very significant role in its financial and tourism growth. Serving as the third-largest Mediterranean island, and owing to its location, Cyprus also acts as a hub connecting Europe, Africa, and Asia.

Aside from Cyprus being famous for its food, hospitality, exotic beaches and laid back living, it is also a fantastic spot for property investment.

In fact, the island’s unique characteristics along with its ripe luxury properties market, make it one of the best places to live, work and invest in. Apart from offering property buyers and investors plenty of opportunities to expand their portfolio with luxury villas for sale in paphos, Cyprus, luxury houses for sale in Limassol, (Cyprus), and Paphos villas for sale – the island also makes for a very desirable asset for international visitors, particularly if they want to acquire citizenship and plan long terms investments:

  • The island’s location on the crossroads of three major continents offers many competitive property investment opportunities not available in other countries or regions.
  • Cyprus is a member of the EU and the Euro zone – passport holders enjoy all EU citizenship benefits.
  • Safe and secure environment with a relatively high standard of living against relatively low costs and expenses – perfect for investing in exclusive properties in Cyprus or villas in Paphos, Cyprus for sale to build your portfolio and enjoy a comfortable lifestyle.
  • Stable political system, making luxury houses in Cyprus excellent for both living and investments.
  • High level of services and amenities available, including medical, education, financial, telecommunications, transport, etc.
  • Mild, tropical climate and sunshine almost all year round, with crystal-clear, shimmering waters and beaches, breathtaking scenery, etc., making properties, including villas to buy in Paphos, a very attractive proposition for property buyers or investors of any level.
  • English language commonly spoken throughout the island.
  • Over 2.5 million tourist visits each year – Cyprus is one of the finest regions to buy luxury villa in Limassol or Paphos, two ‘hotspots’ for real estate investments.
  • The recent improvement in natural gas discovery and supply will be a game changer for the local economy, making houses for sale in Paphos and Limassol even more attractive with higher returns on investment.
  • Very low tax rates: Corporate (12.5%), Pensions for internationals (5%).

Why it makes sense to buy exclusive properties in Cyprus

Obtaining a Cyprus passport and relocating here bring some very unique benefits, including those around EU citizenship. That’s why it’s not surprising to see people flooding in from all corners of the world, not only to explore all the properties for sale in Cyprus or the exciting real estate Paphos market, but also to:

  • Enjoy a very good and satisfying living standard.
  • Live and move around in an environment that’s safe for the entire family, especially once you start exploring the luxury villas in Limassol or the Paphos luxury villas for sale.
  • Pursue a very relaxed and stress-free lifestyle, thanks to hundreds of luxury homes in Paphos and the luxury properties in Limassol, which make living in Cyprus an absolute dream.
  • Take advantage of no obligation to live for a certain number of months/years – you can leave and re-enter without any risk or repercussions.
  • Enjoy full immunity against any changes to immigration rules in future.
  • Legally own property like sunshine luxury villas in Cyprus, luxury houses for sale in Limassol (Cyprus), and beautiful houses for sale in Paphos, as well as a wide variety of automobiles and other lifestyle possessions.

Other reasons to buy a house in Cyprus, invest in real estate Limassol, Paphos, etc.

Family and Lifestyle

  • Safe environment for you and your family
  • Good quality of life
  • Low cost of living
  • A relaxed, stress-free lifestyle
  • Ability to leave / enter Cyprus without any risk
  • Immunity against future changes in immigration rules
  • You can legally own property, cars and other items


Cyprus puts a strong focus on education, with international-level elementary schools catering to different language requirements around the world, including: English, French, Arabic, Russian, German, Italian and other languages.

In addition to the two major government-sponsored universities, multiple private English-speaking universities also exist, all offering a very high standard of education.

Multiple academic options are available for enrolling into European universities which charge significantly lower fees, compared to universities of a similar stature and standard in the EU.


Highest standard of public and private healthcare, accessible to all.

Cypriot doctors are fluent in English, fully qualified and highly experienced to perform a broad range of medical treatments. Health insurance is available at unbeatable premiums, with emergency medical treatment.

Low crime rate

Cyprus is a very safe place to live in with a crime rate of just 6.44 crimes per 1,000 inhabitants, which is a very low crime rate, particularly when compared to other EU countries.

Safe and hygienic food & water supply

Cyprus offers one of the best quality of food and water, with negligible water pollution levels and an ample supply of fresh tap water going to every property, including luxury apartments for sale in Limassol and Paphos villas for sale.

The safety and hygiene level of food and water is actively monitored and regulated by the island’s Ministry of Health in conjunction with the local authorities.

Power and energy supply

Electricity is supplied at 240v from the grid to all existing properties and properties for sale in Cyprus. Many luxury properties in Limassol Paphos and other parts of Cyprus use solar energy for water heating and renewable energy for electricity, which are being funded solely by the government.

Banking standards and legal system

Cyrus follows the British banking system, with an entire network of banks supporting all corporate as well as personal banking requirements. All major global payment methods are accepted, including Visa and Europay. Generous loan terms are available for everything from luxury villas for sale in Limassol and Paphos villas for sale to luxury houses for sale in Limassol and all kinds of luxury houses in Cyprus.

The legal system here is also based on the British legal system, with over 163 LLC law firms operating and 1968 registered advocates as of 2008. Suffice it to say, all manners of legal services are available for both personal and corporate/business matters. The Cyprus Land Registry makes properties for sale in Cyprus and real estate investments a seamless and straightforward process.

Conducting business in Cyprus as an EU passport holder

While tourist/visitor-friendly Cyprus Law and the Citizenship by Investment scheme both offer a great opportunity for foreign investors to obtain a European passport, businesspeople should be even more interested and excited to move their respective businesses to Cyprus.

Apart from the superb Cyprus luxury properties for investment here and the strategic location, the island has truly developed into a reputable international services hub, particularly when it comes to banking and shipping-related operations.

Since Cyprus has been admitted to the EU, its role as a bridge between Europe, Asia, and Africa has been enhanced even further, offering foreign investors some incredible advantages for business and investments in luxury properties (Limassol and Paphos):

  • Highly strategic Location, considered Europe’s ‘Middle Eastern Outpost’
  • European Union member state
  • Highly qualified and multilingual labour force
  • Lowest EU corporate tax rate
  • Macroeconomic stability with successful economic performance
  • Efficient legal, accounting and banking services
  • Advanced telecommunications network and infrastructure
  • Impressive FDI track record
  • Reputable international shipping center
  • Living and working on the “island for all seasons” with incredible opportunities to invest in luxury property for sale Cyprus, properties for sale Limassol, and more
  • Freedom to conduct business in accordance with European Community law as well as national laws and practices.

Luxury Properties: Your premier estate agent in Cyprus

All of the above benefits and many more are only a phone call away: Paphos luxury villas for sale, stunning villas for sale in Limassol, and many more exclusive properties in Cyprus – live the dream life now by consulting our friendly real estate agent in Cyprus who will guide you through the entire process of buying luxury properties (Cyprus, Limassol, Paphos, and more).

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